The prize for the Best waffle 2022 is awarded to Matthieu Toulemonde de Roncq

For the second edition of the waffle week, France Bleu Nord has joined forces with Flavors in Gold, the restaurant naked and France 3 Hauts-de-France. After a first selection of four candidates, the jury met to determine the winner of the prize for the best waffle 2022.

The jury is made up of: Pepe Le Matthe culinary columnist for France Bleu Nord, president of the jury, Philip de Bie (winner of the 2021 edition), Caroline Leclercq (Gold Flavors), Maxime Schelstraete (chef of the restaurant NU), Christophe Lepine (France 3 Hauts-de-France), Bertrand Lefebvre (director of France Bleu Nord) and Clémence, auditor of France Bleu Nord.

Based on three criteria: blind tasting, presentation of the package of waffles and their appearance, the members of the jury had to decide between the four finalists.

Matthieu Toulemonde de Roncq wins the prize for the best waffle 2022

It was Pépée Le Mat who gave the result at the end of the deliberations. The winner is Matthieu de Roncq. The young man has been making his waffles for 11 years. In his shop in Ronq,

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