the private establishment administratively closed for three months

The Metropolis of Lyon is opening an administrative investigation “in order to verify that the operating conditions of the establishment comply with the legislative and regulatory provisions and guarantee respect for the health, physical or mental or the education of the children accommodated”, specifies the Rhône prefecture.

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The Rhône prefecture announced on Saturday July 2 the administrative closure of the private crèche in Lyon in which an 11-month-old girl had died on June 22. The establishment will be closed for three months.

>> Lyon: what we know about the death of a poisoned baby in a private nursery

The administrative closure order was signed on Friday “for a period of three months renewable once”said the prefecture in a press release on Saturday. “During this period, an administrative inquiry will be carried out by the Métropole de Lyon in order to verify that the operating conditions of the establishment comply with the legislative and regulatory provisions and guarantee respect for the health, physical or mental, or the education of the foster children”specifies the prefecture of the Rhône.

Friday, June 24, an employee of the crèche located in the 3rd arrondissement of Lyon, was indicted for “intentional homicide of a 15-year-old minor”. She was the only employee of the crèche at the time of the events. The first elements of the investigation support “the hypothesis of ingestion by the child of a toxic product”, had then specified the prosecutor of the Republic of Lyon, Nicolas Jacquet. The employee recognized “That, overwhelmed by the crying of the child, she had sprinkled him then had him ingest a caustic product”according to the Lyon prosecutor’s office.

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