The priority should be quality child care

I still struggle to understand why there are so many people missing in Quebec to fill all kinds of positions and I especially regret the unfilled positions in health and education, a national disaster.

And yet, a solution with valuable added value is available to us, a basic solution: providing the 52,000 places required in quality childcare services. Why ? Because it frees a very large number of women to take up jobs in the labor market.

Francophone immigration should be the second way to create jobs. But this immigration entails additional training, health and education costs. […]

Besides, I don’t understand why the chambers of commerce are asking for an increase in immigration rather than an increase in childcare services: daycare centers release women who are already available and for the most part already trained for the job market .

It is therefore obvious that the government should invest first and foremost in child care.

Obvious and elementary, my dear Watson.

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