On the side of the road, Besançon police officers filter access to the service station Total Energy in rue de Dole. Like five others from the Doubs department, certain professions have priority between 2 p.m. and 4 p.m., since this Thursday, October 13. It is necessary to justify being a caregiver, a taxi driver or even an employee of a funeral director to be authorized to use fuel. In all, about twenty sectors are registered on the decree of the Prefecture. Some drivers are relieved.
“Fill up to the last drop”
“So much the better, fortunately”, Marine exclaims in front of her car. This psychotherapist was not not far from the reserve : “This morning, I left an hour earlier to find a station where it is possible to help yourself. I did not find. With my job, I don’t have a choice like many”. At 3 p.m., there is still stock in this sign. The employees at the checkout ensure that they can respond to all requestsat least for two hours. “Today, I take the opportunity to fill up to the last drop, point Francis, a taxi driver who lost almost 30% of his trips this week, for lack of fuel. When you have an hour and a quarter wait at the other stations, that handicaps the customer and then of course us. We are less profitable at the moment because we drive less during the day.”
© Radio France
Raphael Aubry
A caregiver embarrassed by the decree of the Prefecture
In the queue all the priority professionals are not dry. They prefer anticipating in the current context. We meet many caregivers, like Cécile. She is however embarrassed by this authorization from the Prefecture. She thinks of the other employees, who are struggling to find fuel. “Those who go to work, who need it to earn a living like everyone else, are they a priority, not a priority? I don’t know. I’m thinking of my husband for example. We wonder, it’s getting crazy this situation of have to show their credentials. Where are we going honestly?”comments the franc-comtoise.
© Radio France
Raphael Aubry
Six service stations are affected by this measure, in addition to Total Energie rue de Dole. Those of the Carrefour Besançon-Valentin and Chalezeule supermarkets, as well as the Intermarché des Hôpitaux-neufs in Haut-Doubs. In Montbéliard, it is possible to help yourself between 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. at Cora and Total Energie on avenue d’Helvétie. The list of priority professions
is available on the Prefecture website. Twelve stations are concerned in Haute-Saône.