“The priority is the arrest of criminal gangs that terrorize the French,” says Gérald Darmanin

“There are 1,800 police and gendarmes right now in Mayotte who are carrying out police operations,” said Thursday on franceinfo Gérald Darmanin.

While France will carry out a series of police interventions against delinquency and illegal immigration in Mayotte, called operation “Wuambushu”, Gérald Darmanin clarified the objectives this Friday, April 21 on franceinfo. “There are about sixty criminal gangs that terrorize the French. The priority is their arrest”assures the Minister of the Interior who denies an objective of deportations to the border. “We are already deporting all the foreign offenders we apprehend. It would be absurd to give yourself an additional objective.”

>> Mayotte: what do we know about the “Wuambushu” operation against illegal immigration?

“In addition, we are going to destroy by court order 1,000 slums, which in Mayotte are called bangas and which would be unacceptable in mainland France, especially around Mamoudzou”, says the minister. “Because it’s far from the eye of France, we let it happen”, does he recognize. “There are people without water, without electricity, without gas, old people, disabled people, babies who live in these situations. The Republic is destroying the slums and relocating people to real housing”, he assures.

Sending reinforcements from the powers of theState

Gérald Darmanin also denied on franceinfo a launch of the operation on Monday and for a period of two months, as advanced by the press. “There is not a moment when we start it and a moment when we end it.” He also assures that she has “already started” with “an unprecedented strengthening of the powers of theEtat”.

“I sent four more mobile gendarmerie squadrons, a CRS unit, we doubled the staff of the prefecture, we sent magistrates and people from civil security to get the water.”

Gérald Darmanin, Minister of the Interior

at franceinfo

“There are 1,800 police and gendarmes right now in Mayotte who are carrying out police operations, who are putting an end to arms trafficking, who are putting an end to criminal gangs”of which 60 have therefore been counted. “They commit homicides, prevent women from giving birth, doctors from treating people, the French from working, living and taking their children to school”the minister is indignant, explaining that twelve arrests have already been made.

25,000 evictions every year

“What matters” also for Gérald Darmanin, “it is to break the ecosystem which consists, when we expel people, of their coming back”. “There is not much distance between Mayotte, the Comoros, Africa and Madagascar”he explains. “For this, the Ministry of the Armed Forces is deploying an extremely important radar system that did not exist before”. “The military programming law also provides for extremely strong air resources to monitor the arrival of kwassa kwassa.”

Each year, approximately 25,000 expulsions are pronounced in the 101st French department. “Mayotte, it could be the Seychelles”, according to Gerald Darmanin. “It’s absolutely magnificent, but Mayotte is unable to develop for reasons of insecurity, delinquency and criminality.”

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