“The priority is first of all to listen to the inhabitants”, according to Fabien Roussel


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Candidate of the French Communist Party in the 2022 presidential election, Fabien Roussel is invited in “Dimanche en politique” on France 3 on Sunday 21 November.

Asked about the disappearance of Chinese tennis player Peng Shuai, Fabien Roussel “shares the concerns that are expressed from everywhere”. “I hope we will all be reassured and quickly”, add the candidate of the French Communist Party for the presidential election. Peng Shuai disappeared after accusing Zhang Ghaoli, senior member of the Chinese Communist Party. Members that Fabien Roussel sometimes meets, but who in no way condones the acts committed by the former Deputy Prime Minister. “We must first believe the word of the one who expresses it”, he adds.

Asked about his relationship with China, Fabien Roussel recalled having asked Chinese politicians, but also elsewhere in the world, “respect for human dignity and human rights”. The politician also denounced “the great hypocrisy of multinationals, including French ones, who are going to teach lessons on human rights and China, but who are relocating there part of our work which must be done in France”.

“The priority is first of all to listen to these inhabitants of overseas countries”, explains Fabien Roussel, when asked about the crisis situation in Guadeloupe. The deputy from the North indicated that he would not have sent the GIGN and the RAID on the spot, but that he would first have gone to listen to the population. “Those who are demonstrating today are demonstrating against this health situation which does not take into account the reality of the West Indies, but they are also demonstrating against the high cost of living”, he explains.

“We must urgently respond to their demands”, adds Fabien Roussel, who considers the particular situation of Guadeloupe or Martinique, where 30% of caregivers are vaccinated. “You have to adapt”, insists the candidate of the French Communist Party, soon on the move in the region.

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