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The Printemps de Bourges is held until April 23 with a challenge for the organizers: to attract a large audience without increasing the price of places. Indeed, this year, with inflation, the charges are on the rise.
Le Printemps de Bourges is three concerts for the price of one in the same evening. 200,000 festival-goers come to Bourges (Cher) on average for a week of music. The regulars do not hesitate to pay the price. “44 euros instead, a small budget but we have fun”admits a woman. Added to the budget for the evening, in addition to seats, a few drinks and a snack with friends. So in order not to scare away festival-goers, Printemps de Bourges has made a strong choice: not to increase the price of its places.
The cost of energy and inflation involved
However, the budget has exploded in one year, there is +15% and not only because of the cost of energy. “(…) There are a lot of additional costs, the inflation of artistic fees, the inflation of salaries, the inflation of technicians, the lack of manpower… All of this means that naturally, the cost of a festival increases”explains Boris Vedel, general manager of Printemps de Bourges. Between the decor and the light, the concerts are more and more impressive and more expensive.