the Prime Minister tested positive for Covid-19


France 2

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Prime Minister Jean Castex tested positive for the coronavirus on Monday, November 22, and is now in solitary confinement.

After her daughter tested positive for Covid-19, the Élysée announced that Jean Castex, Prime Minister, is also positive and placed in solitary confinement. Frequently on the move for several days, he is, so far, the only member of the executive to have tested positive. Other ministers like Gérald Darmanin have tested negative, while some are still contact cases. In Brussels (Belgium), Monday, November 22, the Prime Minister also met Belgian leaders.

Jean Castex is accused of having relaxed his vigilance on barrier gestures for several days, meeting elected officials without wearing a mask and shaking hands. His recklessness is highlighted by many candidates for the Elysee, while the epidemic resumption has taken place in France for a few weeks. For the members of the majority, the reproaches are unjustified, because Jean Castex must go to the meeting, explaining the high probability of becoming positive for Covid-19.


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