The leader of the communists sees it as a sort of “third round” of the legislative elections.
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“The Prime Minister, who must be at the head of a government tomorrow, must come from the National Assembly,” said the national secretary of the French Communist Party Fabien Roussel on Wednesday June 19 on franceinfo, de facto ruling out the hypothesis of an arrival in Matignon of the leader of La France insoumise Jean-Luc Mélenchon.
While the New Popular Front has not decided on either the name or the method of appointing its potential Prime Minister, Fabien Roussel prefers to procrastinate. “That’s not the topic today.”he evacuated, while believing that “several personalities” of the left alliance “might be able to build a majority, to reach out, to bring together”.
For the boss of the communists, the appointment of the Prime Minister must be done “depending on what the National Assembly will be”seeing there a sort of “third round” legislative elections. “Let the National Assembly be built and then you will see how we will be able to appoint a Prime Minister capable of building a majority”he stressed. “I respect the institutions and what will decide everything is the composition of the National Assembly and the vote of confidence at the end of the general policy speech,” he repeated. “If we are unable to present a Prime Minister who will largely garner the vote of parliamentarians, we will not have the confidence so we will have to appoint someone capable of having this majority,” said the outgoing MP from the North.
In this perspective of “gather”, Fabien Roussel said he was ready to vote with the right on certain texts in the National Assembly, notably on nuclear power, left out of the alliance contract between the left-wing parties, due to lack of consensus. On this subject, the leader of the communists wishes to fully rely on the deputies who will vote or not on the adoption of the Multi-annual Energy Program, a regulatory text which must set out the objectives for each type of energy by 2030- 2035 and which provides for the construction of new power plants. “I am in favor of working together in the general interest and the national interest. On subjects like this, there will surely be common votes to be able to get us through this”he said.