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Regarding the price of water, there are real differences in amount between the departments. The journalist Hugo Capelli, present on the 12/13 set of France 3, Tuesday August 9, takes stock of these price differences.
Water, a vital resource, does not have the same price on the national territory. “516 euros per year, or 43 euros per month, is the average amount of the water bill for a household of three to four people based on consumption of 120 cubic meters of water. Except that ‘no Frenchman pays the same price, because the price of water is not decided at national level, but at local level”Explain journalist Hugo Capelli, present on the 12/13 set of France 3, Tuesday August 9.
According to local authorities, Veolia thus evokes “10,000 different prices for the 36,000 municipalities of the country”, says the journalist. With 1 cubic meter of water at 6.50 euros, Guadeloupe, for example, has the most expensive water, ahead of Côtes-d’Armor and Dordogne. Conversely, at less than 3 euros per cubic meter, Réunion is the territory where the water bill is the lowest, ahead of Haute-Garonne and Haute-Marne. How to explain such a price difference? “The bill paid by users of drinking water is explained by the costs of public water and sanitation services. To distribute it, it must first be collected, treated and transported to the taps. After use, it must be collected and transported to a treatment station.”describes Hugo Capelli.