the price of the meal threatened by the increase in the price of raw materials

How to consume quality without the portfolio being too impacted? For the past ten years, this has been the bet taken by the Pyrénées-Atlantiques department. This Wednesday, October 12, the 10th forum “eating organic and local 64” was held. Organic in canteens is even a certain success, says Anne-Line Plantefève, who works in the department on the “eating organic and local 64” program: “Today, a meal costs 2€10. One in five foods is organic, and nearly half of the meal tray comes from local agriculture.” A promise kept made possible thanks to the support of local producers and communities who work together. “For the canteens, I make the same price for all the pieces of meat explains Jean-Michel, cattle breeder in Béguios. Of course, I would value more in other distribution circuits, but it is a commitment that is close to my heart.

Increase in the price of raw materials

The problem comes from the recent increase in the price of raw materials, partly linked to the Russian-Ukrainian conflict. The price of wheat, to name but one, is exploding. “For now, I haven’t passed it on to my products yet, but at some point I will have to,” grimace Philippe, baker in Bayonne. It will therefore remain to renegotiate with the communities. “But both sides will have to remain reasonable, the goal is always that children can have at least one quality meal a day.

The increase in the price of meals will be effective in colleges already delivered in organic products explains the department. “From January, but we do not yet know by how much, cautiously advances Anne-Line Plantefève. To find out if the communities will bear the difference, it will be on a case-by-case basis, depending on budgets in particular.“At the moment, nearly 150 producers supply the various canteens, respecting the quality charter signed with the department and the establishments.

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