the price of the baguette may increase


Article written by

J. Cholin, A. Guin, V. Lucas, A. Canestraro – France 3

France Televisions

The price of the baguette could increase by a few cents in a few days. Bakers say they no longer have a choice in the face of rising flour prices and energy prices.

Would bread become less and less accessible? In a Parisian bakery, the baguette already reaches 1.10 euros. A price higher than the national average, which customers are willing to pay, for now. But here, as everywhere in France, the price of the baguette has continued to increase like other consumer products. Thus, in 30 years, it has gone from an average of 53 to 90 cents. And this increase could well accelerate because of the price of raw materials used by bakers.

Freddy Coudrier, baker, indicates that the price of his bag of flour will increase by around three euros, “which represents, approximately, 15 to 20% of the product”. If the price of cereals is skyrocketing, it is because the harvest was bad in Russia. One of the granaries of the world has seen its production drop due to weather conditions this year. The world price of wheat has thus jumped by 30%. Bakers also justify the increase in the price of bread by constrained expenses, such as electricity, the price of which is rising.


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