the price of the baguette increases in France



Article written by

F. Donjon, V. Casanova, V. Jonnet – France 3

France Televisions

Saturday, April 9, one of the consequences of the war in Ukraine is the increase in the price of raw materials, such as flour. Thus, in France, the cost of the baguette is on the rise.

The price of baguettes is increasing in some bakeries, in particular because of the increase in the price of flour, a consequence of the war in Ukraine. It lowers our margin“, explains Audry lemonan artisan baker who increased the price of his baguette from 95 cents to one euro. I find it logical“says a customer in the shop, for whom this repercussion is normal if the price of ingredients has increased.

Flour, butter, oil, gas and electricity bills all cost bakers more. The purchasing power of our customers is essential if we want to continue working”says Michael Schollan artisan baker who, for the moment, wishes to avoid an increase. For their part, customers say they are ready to make an effort to continue supporting small bakeries. We are more than 10 cents away now”observes a man.

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