the price of pasta has increased by an average of 12% in one year



Article written by

A. Girault-Carlier, A. Guin, P. Juvigny, J. Ricco, J. Duboz, R. Laurentin – France 2

France Televisions

Purchasing power continues to be debated in the midst of the election campaign. Prices keep skyrocketing. This is especially the case with pasta. Prices have jumped by +12% in one year.

Pasta is a dish that the French cannot do without. But their price is skyrocketing: +12% on average in one year. A hefty bill that customers notice.Everything has gone up a bit, around 10 cents from what I’ve seen”says a consumer. The increase is sometimes greater depending on the category of pasta. For example, it is +42.8% on entry prices, +18.2% on distributor brands and +17.6% for major brands.

Why are the prices soaring? First because of a poor wheat harvest last season. The weather was bad in France, but also in Canada. In addition, the increase in raw materials such as packaging or eggs contribute to increasing the price of pasta. Global demand is also very strong with the economic recovery. The price spike should continue butthere’s no point in rushing to the shops to buy either“, specifies Yves Puget, editorial director of the magazine LSA.

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