The price of gold keeps rising

This article is over two years old.



Video length: 2 min.

France 3

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Gold prices continue to climb, with a 35% increase in the price per kilogram in one year. More than ever, gold is a safe haven.

Rue Vivienne in Paris (2nd arrondissement): the temple of money and gold. For a week, the shops have been full. An anonymous customer explains why he comes to sell his jewelry. “I’m a little tight financially, I said to myself why not try to sell them to try to get out of it a bit like it’s the holidays”. Soaring gold prices as the global economy slows. So the markets buy gold, a safe haven. With an increase of 35% in one year, customers have high hopes.

At the counter, the line is growing, the turnover has quadrupled, between those who sell and those who buy. Not necessarily good news for the economy. “Gold is an investment that does not yield anything, it is a sterile investment, it is rather negative for the economy even if it reassures investors”, testifies Céline Antonin, economist at OFCE. Gold hit its highest level since 2013, but it could climb further.

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