The price displayed and the one we pay

The government wants to clarify the display of prices to make consumers’ lives easier. Why doesn’t it take advantage of this to require the display of prices including sales taxes? Or at least dual display, with and without taxes (to satisfy those nostalgic for this aberration). We want to know how much an item costs us, not how much tax this or that. In Europe and Latin America, for example, the prices displayed are the ones you pay, but the receipt shows the various taxes (plus, there may be different rates). Here, it’s the opposite. It’s up to you to calculate the taxes each time. But sometimes, there aren’t any… It’s exasperating, annoying and disruptive. Displaying the final price of an item shouldn’t be that difficult to do: the SAQ already does it. If it’s to let us know how much the sales taxes are, the receipt is enough. If it’s to confuse and annoy us, it’s successful. When will we get rid of this unjustifiable practice?

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