the pressure continues to increase on the hospital, with 9,323 hospitalizations in one week

By way of comparison, the number of patients treated in critical care (3,654) still remains far from the peak of the first wave.

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The pressure due to the fifth wave of Covid is increasing on the hospital with more than 2,000 admissions in 24 hours, according to figures from Public Health France published on Monday, January 3. The care services continued to welcome a growing number of patients, with 19,606 patients hospitalized on Monday (against 19,043 on Sunday) and 2,160 new admissions in 24 hours.

The increase over seven days, which smooths the threshold effects, is confirmed with 9,323 hospitalizations in one week, against 7,413 last Monday. This increase is also marked for critical care services, which receive the most severe forms of the disease. The intensive care unit is currently treating 3,654 patients, with 352 admissions in 24 hours. Over seven days, they received 1,817, against 1,747 last Monday.

By way of comparison, if the number of patients treated in critical sounds (3,654) remains far from the peak of the first wave (more than 7,000, in 2020) or that of the third (6,001, in 2021), it risks in the short term, be familiar with that of the second wave (4,903, in 2020).

In 24 hours, hospitals recorded 272 deaths, the highest figure since the start of the fifth wave of Covid in October. In total, the disease has killed 124,212 people.

The virulence of the fifth wave is confirmed with, over seven days, a daily average of more than 167,000 people testing positive. There were, still on a daily average over seven days, just over 72,000 last Monday. Over 24 hours, 67,481 new cases were recorded, according to figures from Public Health France.

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