the presidents of the regions of France oppose any redistricting

Two days before a meeting at the Elysée, the socialist Carole Delga, president of Regions of France, is worried about a possible questioning of the regions born of the territorial reform of 2015.

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The Elysée is warned. The presidents of the regional councils are opposed to any questioning of the borders of their communities, said the elected socialist Carole Delga, president of the organization Regions of France, Saturday, March 11. “None of them is in favor of a redistrictingdeclares the boss of the Occitanie region in The Parisian. It would be unjustified. This would represent a useless expenditure of energy and money, while the priorities of the country are elsewhere. It would be a financial mess.”

This warning comes two days before the reception of the main associations of elected officials by Emmanuel Macron. There will be a question of the institutional reform envisaged by the executive, which has aroused the concern of the regions since remarks made in January by Stéphane Séjourné. The secretary general of the Renaissance presidential party had announced to the Figaro Emmanuel Macron’s desire to reform the institutions “after retirement” and declared himself “favorable to the end of the large regions to return to a simpler and human-sized scheme”.

Should the scope of new regions such as the Grand Est, Nouvelle-Aquitaine or Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes be revised downwards? “Before talking about redistricting, let’s take stock”, had pleaded Carole Delga, on March 2, during a hearing in the Senate. According to her, an INSEE study has “demonstrated that the economic dynamic was much stronger in the major regions”born of the territorial reform of 2015.

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