The President’s Men in improv

An original, hilarious and interactive show combining theater and virtuoso improvisation with two colorful actors who promise a unique performance! The Show: France is in bad shape, growth is at half mast, morale is at rock bottom and the nation is about to crack. Faced with this crisis, the President of the Republic has a “brilliant” idea: theatrical improvisation! A big fan of this art of the unpredictable, he believes in its unifying values ​​to turn the country around. He then entrusts agent k (the bubbly Nelly B), assisted by Ducci (Didier Landucci) of the duo Les Bonimenteurs, a key figure in improvisation, with the secret mission of going to every city, every company, every theater with for the sole purpose of doing good, of boosting the morale of the French people by transmitting the playful and humanist virtues of theatrical improvisation. Assisted by the public, agent K and Ducci, whom everything opposes, will carry out their mission to save France.

Friday April 1 at the Balma auditorium (31) and Saturday April 2 at Valence d’Agen.

The poster © Radio France

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