The President’s Denial | La Presse

(Miami) We’re going to have to find something other than a 22-minute interview, seven days too late, to make people believe that Joe Biden just had “a bad night.”

In front of ABC’s cameras, a tanned Biden tried to replace the pale Biden of last week. He didn’t have a moment of absence. But the Democratic nominee didn’t reassure anyone.

Granted, “90 minutes of debate shouldn’t erase three and a half years of work,” as he said in Wisconsin shortly before the interview. But the “bad night” theory is beside the point. Barack Obama came to Biden’s defense with the same argument: He, too, has had bad debates. As much as Obama is an exceptional orator, he is a very average debater.

Except that’s not the point here. This isn’t about judging Joe Biden’s “performance.” This isn’t about privileging form over substance. If the debate was disastrous for the 46e president, it’s not because he expressed himself poorly, that he stammered or that he didn’t respond promptly to Donald Trump. We’re not talking about style. We’re not talking about eloquence. We’re talking about cognitive and physical capacity.

But Joe Biden dismisses this with a smile that is meant to be reassuring. When George Stephanopoulos asks him as delicately as possible if he intends to undergo a neurological examination, Biden replies: “I have one every day.”

The line is not bad, but it does not solve the problem. His problem. The vast majority of voters find him unfit to serve another term.

Yes, Mr. President, Trump lied “at least 28 times” in this debate. But what freaks Democrats out is that his weakness makes Trump’s election increasingly likely.

Just before the interview, the Washington Post reported that Sen. Mark Warner of Virginia is assembling a group of Democratic senators powerful enough to convince Biden to step aside. Not to mention the big donors who are starting to get seriously upset.

This is in addition to the Democratic representatives who have publicly said that Biden must go. There are those who are afraid of being dragged into the fray following him, and it is starting to smell like a Democratic sauve-qui-peut.

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