The first meeting of this political campaign committee will take place around Gabriel Attal on Tuesday April 30, with the government heavyweights.
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Tuesday, April 30 in the evening Gabriel Attal invites his main ministers, such as Bruno Le Maire, Gérald Darmanin, or Rachida Dati, and the feathered hats of the majority (party leaders, campaign team) to Renaissance HQ. This political committee will then meet every Monday until June 9. The objective is clear: to strengthen the system around the candidate Valérie Hayer, who is struggling in the polls, 16.5% in the latest delivery from Ifop.
A campaign executive puts it bluntly: “The leaders of the majority must get moving!”. Another doesn’t beat around the bush either: “There are plenty of them who haven’t done much so far, we have to put pressure on them.” Now that the Head of State has put a foot in the European elections with his speech at the Sorbonne last Thursday, it is a matter of everyone taking over.
Avoiding an “anti-Macron referendum”
However, the government is already mobilized. Ministers have already held public meetings: Gérald Darmanin was in Aveyron last Thursday, Bruno Le Maire will have his 6th meeting Monday April 29 in the evening in Vouvray, near Tours. Others held leaflets, or even, like the Minister of the Civil Service Stanislas Guérini, held phoning evenings at HQ to call sympathizers. But the idea now is to amplify the movement to try to bring the Macronist list back on track. Ministers are expected as reinforcements “to talk about Europe” and especially “avoid announcing bad news because we are in the campaign”, implores a parliamentarian.
The troops want positives. In the majority, some still have in their throats the last weeks of the executive with Bruno Le Maire who launched many avenues for savings, due to a poor budgetary situation, without forgetting Stanislas Guérini who brought the issue to the table of the dismissal of civil servants or his Housing counterpart Guillaume Kasbarian who spoke of the end of social housing for life… So many exits which are not “not likely to mobilize voters in our favor”, blurted out a senator. Summarized more bluntly by someone close to Emmanuel Macron, it goes like this: “All that put us in the sauce!”. The objective of the Macronists now is to get rid of national debates and other controversies to avoid “anti-Macron referendum”.