the presidential majority in search of new momentum

Examination of the immigration bill begins Monday in the Assembly. The battle promises to be tough. What to do next? The majority wonders what happens next.



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The launch of the Renaissance party in Paris, September 17, 2022. (JULIEN DE ROSA / AFP)

“We have to put coal back in the boiler”, confides a deputy as the examination of the immigration bill begins Monday, November 27 in the National Assembly. When Emmanuel Macron told bosses on Tuesday to “wake up” to the small rise in unemployment, this was also true for the majority, according to this person close to the president. New ideas and new projects to launch would be welcome to get back on track when the government emerges from the immigration law tunnel. “We absolutely must restore momentum otherwise we will be swept away by the RN,” warns a government heavyweight.

According to one of his colleagues, the big risk is the “managerism” and he assures us, “the president wants to avoid a second term less useful than the first.” But the political context can thwart good intentions. With a relative majority in the Assembly, it is impossible to bulldoze it. The 49.3 can only be used once per season, out of budget.

In search of the “wow” effect

The government has many other reforms in store, such as the constitutionalization of abortion and the law on the end of life. “These are progressive texts, but not divisive, so there is no point in getting back on track.” grimaces a majority executive. The government is also working on a reform of the civil service with remuneration based on merit, on housing, on energy, but it is still missing the work that would have a “wow” effect. Bruno Le Maire launched Thursday, November 23 on franceinfo the idea of ​​compensating unemployed people over 55 for a shorter period of time, something to add a little spice. MPs are considering a “Macron 2” law, after that brought by Emmanuel Macron when he was at Bercy in 2015. A law to continue to “unlock the economy, shake up corporatism”. “After immigration, we go on vacation and come back in January with ideas, urges a deputy, It can re-motivate everyone.”

There is beginning to be urgency, because the more time passes, the less likely the reforms are to bear fruit before the end of the five-year term. And then the Olympic Games next summer will be a turning point. Afterwards, tempers will heat up for the race to the Élysée, and there will no longer be time to launch major structuring projects. It would therefore be necessary to prime beforehand.

The cuddly rooster has disappeared

It’s a bit like the government’s mascot since Édouard Philippe gave it to Christophe Castaner. Since 2018, this black rooster has been wandering around the garden of the ministries located in the Rothelin-Charolais mansion, rue de Grenelle, with his hen. But for several days Doudou has not been found!

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