the presidential camp is slightly ahead of Nupes, according to a latest poll

According to an Ipsos-Sopra Steria poll for France Télévisions and Radio France, Together!, the structure which brings together the parties supporting Emmanuel Macron, would obtain 28% of the votes in the first round, against 27% for Nupes.

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Emmanuel Macron and Jean-Luc Mélenchon neck and neck two days before the first round of legislative elections. Together!, the coalition of parties supporting the President of the Republic (LREM, MoDem, Horizons), is slightly ahead of Nupes, the alliance of left-wing parties, in an Ipsos-Sopra Steria poll for France Télévisions and Radio France published on Friday 10 June. The presidential camp is credited with 28% of the vote, against 27% for Nupes. This is the exact opposite of the previous survey, conducted by the same institute.

Behind this duo, the National Rally is credited with 19.5% of the vote. The Republicans and their UDI or various right-wing allies would get 11.5%. The other formations or candidates – Reconquest! with 5%, Nupes dissidents with 3%, or various ecologists with 2.5% – are well below the 10% mark. Another poll, Ifop-Fiducial for LCI, credits Nupes with 26.5%, against 26% for the presidential camp.

Given the two-round first-past-the-post voting method, the projections for Ipsos-Sopra Steria’s headquarters draw a much less tight balance of power, while leaving on the table the hypothesis of an absence of an absolute majority for the camp. presidential (289 deputies). Together ! would get 275 to 315 seats, the Nupes 155 to 195 seats and the LR/UDI/DVD block 35 to 60 seats.

This survey was carried out on 1,881 people, constituting a representative national sample of the French population, registered on the electoral lists, aged 18 and over. It was carried out on the Internet and according to the quota method.

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