The presidential camp faces the choice of a coalition


Video length: 2 min

2024 Legislative Elections: The Presidential Camp Faces the Choice of a Coalition
2024 Legislative Elections: The Presidential Camp Faces the Choice of a Coalition

Emmanuel Macron wants to believe in a coalition in the National Assembly. Among the elected officials, opinions are mixed. Some defend the idea of ​​cohabitation.

How to avoid a Prime Minister from the ranks of the New Popular Front? This is the job of Emmanuel Macron and his troops to try to stay at the center of the game. “There is no question of forming a coalition with the extremes”judges a deputy from the presidential camp. “Nobody wants to start using 49.3 again.”another believes. “People are willing to work together”assures an elected official.

The Head of State’s supporters are watching with interest the sixty or so right-wing MPs returning to the chamber who are for the moment opposing a flat refusal. “The only possibility is cohabitation”judges Aurélien Pradié, DVD MP. We must be able to listen to the message of the voters who wanted to bring the National Rally to power and at the same time take into account the advance of the New Popular Front. A political landscape is being sought between a majority that does not want to give up anything and a left that wants to govern.

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