the president wants to “rethink” school time and plans to reduce summer holidays

Should school holidays be shortened? “We must reopen a debate which is that of school time during the year”estimated Emmanuel Macron, Tuesday, June 27, traveling to a school in Marseille. “We have children who sometimes have two and a half months of vacation, some almost three months”judged the President of the Republic. “What is the consequence of that? It’s that we stuff the children’s weeks”, he continued. Asked by a journalist about the duration of the summer holidays, Emmanuel Macron replied: “We have to concert this, we have to work, not for next year it’s too fair, but we have to rethink this time in the year.” Follow our live.

Safety announcements. On Monday, Emmanuel Macron announced additional police reinforcements and the opening of colleges beyond 6 p.m. in sensitive neighborhoods, in order to fight against educational inequality and the wandering of young people at the foot of the towers. He also promised more resources to curb organized crime.

An assessment of “the school of the future”. This visit is also an opportunity to take stock of the experiment launched by the President. To date, 82 Marseille schools have been selected to carry out a specific establishment project, with the possibility for the director to participate in the choice of his team. Endowed with 2.5 billion euros, it is called to be generalized to the whole territory.

A visit to Laveran Hospital. The president will also visit the Marseille army training hospital on Tuesday for an exchange with caregivers. This military establishment supports many victims of score settling. He has already taken care of seven gunshot wounds since the start of the year.

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