the President of the Senate in Kyiv to meet the Ukrainian President

The president of Les Républicains du Sénat, Gérard Larcher, arrived on Friday morning July 8 in kyiv, Ukraine, where he is traveling for two days, franceinfo learned from his entourage. On Tuesday, June 7, he had himself announced this trip, without giving a precise date. The invitation comes from the speaker of the Ukrainian parliament, Ruslan Stefantchouk, with whom he held a joint press conference that day.

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During this trip to the country at war with Russia, organized “on good terms with the Élysée” according to the same source, he will notably meet with the Ukrainian President, Volodymyr Zelensky. First to address him “a message of solidarity”then to take stock of “the situation” and the “urgent needs of Ukraine, and not only on the military aspect”. “Reconstruction will be on the agenda”we also assure.

A visit to the suburbs of kyiv, affected by the Russian offensive, is also planned. She must intervene this Friday morning and must lead the President of the Senate to Irpin, Boutcha and Borodyanka.

This Saturday, Gérard Larcher will deliver a speech before the Ukrainian Parliament, the Rada. His entourage promises “an important speech”, with a “message around Europe” and of “the accession of Ukraine”. During the joint press conference he held with Rouslan Stefantchouk, he reaffirmed his support for the country in its application for candidate status for membership of the European Union. On June 23, the 27 endorsed Ukraine’s candidacy.

The program of the President of the High Assembly also includes an exchange on the same day with the President of the Rada, an institution with which “the Senate has been working since the development of the conflict”. He will also hold a press conference.

A delegation of Senators accompanies Gérard Larcher during this trip. It includes the President of the European Affairs Committee of the High Assembly, Jean-François Rapin (Les Républicains), the President of the Socialist, Ecologist and Republican Group, Patrick Kanner (Socialist Party), Alain Milon (Les Républicains), Pascal Allizard (Les Républicains), Nadia Sollogoub (Centrist Union) and Hervé Maurey (Centrist Union). These senators must go with Gérard Larcher to Irpin, Boutcha and Borodyanka.

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