In an interview with “Parisien”, Gérard Larcher wonders about the “moment” to launch this project when the subjects of “inflation and the crisis in public services” seem to be priorities.
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“We are always ready to examine what improves the functioning of democracy: simplification, decentralization, and we are working on it… But is this the time?” The President of the Senate expressed, Saturday, April 22, his reluctance to initiate a reform of the institutions. In an interview at Parisian (paid article)Gérard Larcher wonders about the advisability of “moment” when the subjects “of inflation and the crisis of public services” seem to be priorities.
In his speech on Monday, Emmanuel Macron expressed his desire to present “main avenues for the functioning of our institutions to gain in efficiency and citizen participation”. “If we ask the French about their concerns, I doubt they will answer: ‘Reform of the Court of Justice of the Republic, reform of the Superior Council of the Judiciary or proportional to the National Assembly'”argues for his part the president Les Républicains of the upper house.
The Head of State recently received at the Elysée Gérard Larcher as well as the President of the National Assembly, Yaël Braun-Pivet, to discuss these questions. If the latter said she was in favor of a reform, she also questioned the timing, the pension crisis not opening according to her “not a favorable climate”. For the President of the Senate, “the return of trust is not the institutional construction game as a priority”.