“The President of the Republic cannot remain deaf”, launches Laurent Berger who deplores the “silence” of Emmanuel Macron “for two months”

The secretary general of the CGT believes that the President of the Republic will have to listen to the mobilization of the French against the pension reform. He believes that March 7 will be more important than January 31.

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“The President of the Republic cannot remain deaf, we cannot continue with this silence which has lasted for two months”, says Laurent Berger this Monday, March 6 on France Inter, on the eve of a new mobilization against the pension reform. The secretary general of the CFDT ensures that the intersyndicale “has never been received collectively” by the government or by the top of the state. “It’s not just a political deal to pass through Parliament”deplores the union representative who is asking for a real “political response” for a “reform that affects the concrete life of employees”.

A “risk of democratic resentment”

Laurent Berger wants the reform project to be examined to the end by the senators, contrary to what happened in the Assembly. This reform “will have a democratic vice” if it is not voted on by parliamentarians, fears the union representative. There is a “risk of democratic resentment” which will benefit “those who hide”he insists, openly targeting the National Rally.

The secretary general of the CFDT calls on parliamentarians to “look at the mobilization figures in their territory” and draw the consequences. “To vote for this reform is to alienate the world of work”, he assures. He will meet on Wednesday Republican deputies opposed to the reform. “We meet all the deputies”he assures, for “weigh in on parliamentarians”.

On the eve of a new mobilization, Laurent Berger is convinced that the intersyndicale “can be stronger than last January 31”. “I call on the citizens of this country to come and demonstrate massively” Tuesday, March 7. Even if the CFDT remains opposed to a renewable strike, the union “will propose other types of mobilization” if they are not heard.

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