the president of the Institute of Positive Economy pleads for “patient capitalism”

Audrey Tcherkoff, president of the Institute of Positive Economics, argues for work focused on “longer times” without “disastrous” impact on the planet.

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Positive economics favors the long term over the short term. And register “in what is called patient capitalism”, explains Audrey Tcherkoff, president of the Institute of positive economy, eco guest of franceinfo Thursday, May 5. “We will work over longer periods of time to obtain results that will not have a disastrous impact on the planet or catastrophic consequences on the social level.This requires that economic and political leaders, “don’t focus on next week’s stock price or their re-election. So put the general interest before the particular interest”, continues Audrey Tcherkoff.

As a new five-year term begins, the president of the Positive Economy Institute believes that the fight against “violence against women and professional equality remain battles”but regrets the amounts allocated to gender equality in 2022:“Fifty million euros it’s nothing when you look at our European neighbours. In Spain, on violence against women, they invest 200 million euros, details Audrey Tcherkoff. It is therefore a subject of money, there is also the way to re-enchant the involvement of the young generation, and to stop communitarianism.

Virtually everywhere, women occupy an increasingly important place in governance. French women entrepreneurs 40 was also created in 2022 pto honor 40 French women entrepreneurs “This is the first women’s award that will each year highlight the 40 women at the head of a growing company that has a positive impact on the environment., sI congratulate Audrey Tcherkoff. The winners will be supported throughout the year. Registration on the website is free and open until September. You need a minimum of three years of existence., concludes the president of the Institute of Positive Economy.

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