the president of the Hunters’ Federation announces that he will vote for Emmanuel Macron “from the first round”

Willy Schraen reveals it on Tuesday in an interview with “Parisien / Today in France”. Jean-Luc Mélenchon and Marine Le Pen are the “worst enemies” of hunters, he believes.

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“I am cold and totally pragmatic about the choices to be made. I disregard my opinions.” Willy Schraen, the president of the Federation of hunters, announced his intention to vote Emmanuel Macron “from the first round” in an interview at Parisian / Today in France (article subscribers).

“He [le chef de l’Etat] will announce in the next few hours its vision of hunting through a letter to the departmental hunting presidentssays Willy Schraen. It should commit to compensation for game damage, local rural policing, traditional hunts”he lists. “He will put all his energy into responding to our requests. I have his word”, he assures. Before claiming: “He did not disappoint me. No law or amendment that could harm hunting has been adopted in this five-year term. Every time we had a problem to settle with a Minister of Ecology, he intervened. “

However, Willy Schraen assures us that this is not a voting instruction. “Hunters do what they want”he says, before continuing: “But I tell them ‘be careful’: in second and third positions loom our worst enemies.” And to detail: “If we have a president called Jean-Luc Mélenchon, there will be no more hunting. If it’s Marine Le Pen, she will remove a series of practices deemed incompatible with her ideas.”

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