Aurore Bergé was appointed Minister of Solidarity on Thursday. The day after the reshuffle, the president of the Fédération hospitalière de France, Arnaud Robinet, hopes that “Minister Aurore Bergé will be more combative than President Aurore Bergé of the group of Renaissance deputies, especially for the old age law”.
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“Now we have to speed up. The challenges are immense and I don’t think we have time to wait”, declared Friday July 21 on franceinfo Arnaud Robinet, mayor Horizons of Reims and president of the Hospital Federation of France. A little pressure in the direction of Aurélien Rousseau, former chief of staff of Élisabeth Borne, who has just been appointed Minister of Health to replace François Braun. Arnaud Robinet, close to Édouard Philippe, also wanted to salute the work accomplished by the latter by thanking him for “his listening, his involvement and his humanity”.
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The mayor of Reims demands “a programming law” for health. “We are facing an emergency. The challenges are immense, whether in terms of funding, in terms of attractiveness, loyalty in public hospitals, it is a reform of the health system that we are waiting for”he explained.
While Aurore Bergé was appointed Minister of Solidarity, Arnaud Robinet expressed her “disappointment” to see that the government “continue to compartmentalize health and medico-social within the government. When we are old, we are also patient, we are not compartmentalised. It is a shame to have still kept this compartmentalization between these two ministries”, he said. He hopes that “Minister Aurore Bergé will be more combative than President Aurore Bergé of the group of Renaissance deputies, especially for the old age law”which was postponed. “The president did not fight for this law to be put back on the parliamentary agenda”he remarked as “It’s a real necessity”according to him.
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Arnaud Robinet warned of the emergency situation at the hospital: “We can’t go on like this for long. We’re going to need clear, clear and precise measures that we’ve been asking for for several months on the revaluation of guards, on-call duty. We need a real strategic plan in terms of human resources, attractiveness and loyalty”he demanded.