The president of Stade Montois regrets the behavior of some supporters against Oyonnax

It only lasted about twenty seconds, at the end of the match, while Stade Montois largely dominated the debates against their opponent Oyonnax (26-15 victory). Exasperated by an arbitration that they considered largely unfavorable to their team, some Mons supporters installed in the Darrouy stand gave a refrain more customary from football stadiums than from the Boniface stadium. For about twenty seconds, the “Referee, fuck!“Falled, and that didn’t affect everyone. The president of the Kop du Maillot, Christophe Lafond, for example, who was opposite, in the Dauga stand:”In rugby stadiums, I don’t want to hear that! The referee, we have to respect him! he’s part of the game, he’s a man above all! So, the insults as there have been, I am totally against!

The president of the Stade Montois Jean-Robert Cazaux, goes in the same direction: For him, insults of this ilk, it is “not admissible. You can moan, whistle, it’s understandable. But to make insulting remarks of this level, I do not accept! It doesn’t look like Mont-de-Marsan! In Mont-de-Marsan, there is respect, and there are limits that should not be crossed!

“These insults do the club a disservice”

Jean-Robert Cazaux who, moreover, considers that these insults do the club a disservice. Both if Flavien Hourquet crosses paths with the Stadium again, but also with the entire refereeing corps, when he will be confronted with Mons supporters. On top of that, these very virulent insults could lead to sanctions from the League. In which case the club could be forced to take responsibility, so that such behavior does not happen again.

Regarding the extremely criticized refereeing of Flavien Hourquet, who came out very upset at the end of the match, and who verbally attacked several supporters according to several observers from Stade Montois, Jean-Robert Cazaux does not want to get into the escalation “It is his responsibility. I am not a referee of referees. If he behaved inappropriately, there are authorities, people who were there, who saw… It’s up to them to do their job.“.

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