The President of Russia, Vladimir Putin is at the head of a colossal fortune!

In recent hours, the most cited name is certainly that of Vladimir Putin. The Russian President led an invasion into Ukraine that provoked strong reactions around the world.

In addition to being one of the most powerful men on the planet, he would be one of the richest! However, according to the Kremlin, his income each year is around 123,000 euros. Regarding his property, he would have “only” three cars, a caravan, an apartment of 74 square meters, a garage of 18 square meters as well as another apartment this time of 150 square meters and two parking spaces.

Elements that diverge from those of RTL, which informs us that the fortune of the leader of 69 years would be estimated between 35 to 178 billion euros. As the Capital site recalls, in 2012, in a report, a former deputy, Boris Nemtsov, that Putin owned: 20 houses, 15 helicopters and dozens of luxury watches.

A fortune built “in the 1990s at the fall of the USSR”. “He set up a retro-commission system on the raw materials for food program. Then, according to his opponents, he built a whole system of corruption which still continues today”, wrote our colleagues.

In January 2021, Alexei Navalny, now imprisoned, indicated in a video. “I really wanted to understand how a vulgar Soviet officer could become a madman obsessed with money and luxury, capable of destroying his country and even killing in the name of his quest for wealth”.

His research enabled him to discover that with “corruption, bribes” the Russian president had built a palace on the shores of the Black Sea. “It is the largest private residential building in Russia, according to official documents, it is 17,000 square meters. There is nothing comparable in Russia (…) It is a bit like a new castle of Versailles, a winter palace. It is in any case a royal place”.

See also: Melania Trump: Her reaction after shaking hands with Vladimir Putin makes the buzz!


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