the president of La Voix de l’Enfant says she is “collapsed” by the “recovery” of certain politicians

Martine Brousse finds the remarks made by certain politicians on the murder of Lola “scandalous”. The body of the teenager was found in a trunk on Friday near her building located in the 19th arrondissement of Paris.

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“I’ll be honest, I’m devastated”, saddens Martine Brousse, president of La Voix de l’Enfant, Tuesday, October 18 on franceinfo, in reaction to comments made Tuesday afternoon during questions to the government in the National Assembly. Martine Brousse has decided to file a civil action after the death of 12-year-old Lola, killed on Friday in Paris.

Martine Brousse finds this “scandalous” and who even speaks of “lack of humanity”. “I think especially of the parents, the family and what this little girl has been through.” According to her, it is political recovery: “We do not have the right.”

“I never would have thought that politicians, deputies who spoke this afternoon would dare to use this drama, this little girl, for their own ends.”

Martine Brousse, president of La Voix de l’Enfant

at franceinfo

The president of the association wishes to respond to the comments that were made and the innuendos made concerning the situation of the main suspect (recalling the OQTF that was issued to her): “That means that today we have men and women politicians who have nothing else as an argument to denounce those who come – for many – to take refuge in France because they are victims of violence. in their country through armed or other conflicts.”

Finally, regarding Lola’s classmates, the president explains that we must be vigilant: “It can bring up all kinds of feelings and that’s why it’s important that there are psychologists.” She adds that parents also need to be careful: “If one of their children speaks and they are worried about it, they should go to the school officials to say that their child needs to be accompanied”she concludes.

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