“The far right has no limits,” reacted Sunday, the former presidential candidate.
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He believes that LFI is “ready to sacrifice the Republic on the altar of communitarianism”. The president of the Representative Council of Jewish Institutions of France (Crif), Yonathan Arfi, accused, Sunday July 16, Jean-Luc Mélenchon of “compromising away from the republican pact”. Faced with the threat of the far right coming to power in 2027, “The spokespersons of La France insoumise are more part of the problem than the solution”launched the president of Crif during a speech delivered in Paris on the occasion of the National Day in memory of the victims of racist and anti-Semitic crimes, tribute to the Righteous.
“By calling themselves ‘rebellious’, they claim to embody a form of resistance, but what resistance are we talking about when the rebellious are unable to free themselves from the orders of their leader when he compromises himself far from the republican pact?” castigated Yonathan Arfi. He also condemned the use of the word “deportation” by MP LFI Ersilia Soudais to qualify the expulsion from Israel to France of the Franco-Palestinian lawyer Salah Hamouri.
“Abject” for Jean-Luc Mélenchon
“The president of #CRIF uses the ceremony in memory of the victims of the roundup of Jews by the French police to take me to task. Abject. The far right has no limits”replied in return Jean-Luc Mélenchon on Twitter.
Accusing the Crif of being on the far right, when he was “founded in the Resistance” and that he has included the fight against the extreme right in his “deep DNA”East “particularly perverse” And “grotesquereacted Yonathan Arfi in a statement to AFP. A day will come, I hope, when the members of LFI, instead of following Jean-Luc Mélenchon in his wanderings outside the republican framework, will be able to emancipate themselves from it and free themselves from it. That would be a sign of a Republican party, but today clearly that’s not the case.” He also responded directly to Jean-Luc Mélenchon on Twitterwith these words: “Leaving the Republican framework, whether he likes it or not, he is the objective ally of the RN.”