the president of Bordeaux Métropole spoke with Gérard Lopez and believes in the survival of the club

Awaited by all, the first passage of the Girondins de Bordeaux club in front of the DNCG, the financial policeman of Football ended in the worst announcement… the relegation of the club to National 1. Sporting relegation from Ligue 1 to Ligue 2 barely digested, we must now soak up this umpteenth bad news.

But, immediately nothing is irrevocablebecause through a press release, the Girondins de Bordeaux have announced that they are appealing this decision. The second passage in front of the DNCG should take place no later than the beginning of July.

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Alain Anziani, the president of Bordeaux Métropole learned of the decision even before the release of the official press release. It was the chairman-shareholder Gérard Lopez who himself informed the elected official last night: “_I learned it because Mr. Lopez kindly informed me as soon as I left the DNCG_… I had been able to talk to him and this decision does not surprise anyone, in any case no one who was unaware of the elements of the file “.

From now on, the chosen one does not want to show fatality and calls on the financiers King Street and Fortress not to abandon the club : ” In this file there is a mystery. The two major financiers must assume their responsibility. Funders must not just take a short tour of Bordeaux because it’s pretty and then say to themselves now we’re leaving because it doesn’t work. It’s not possible to work like this “.

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