“The president must come out of his deafness”, launches Yvan Ricordeau, national secretary of the CFDT

The national secretary of the CFDT asks that Emmanuel Macron listen to the demands of the inter-union on the pension reform. He denounces on franceinfo “an end of inadmissibility” on the part of the head of state.

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“We had an end of inadmissibility. This is not the answer that the inter-union expected”criticized this Friday, March 10 on franceinfo Yvan Ricordeau, national secretary of the CFDT while Emmanuel Macron responded to the unions in a letter dated Thursday. “The president must come out of his deafness”he added.

>>LIVE. Pension reform: follow the evolution of the debates in the Senate

The Head of State will not meet the union representatives. He asserts that the government remains “listening” on pension reform, while emphasizing that it is essential. He also assures not “underestimate” THE “dissatisfaction” and the “anxieties” the French. “The request for an appointment with the President of the Republic was not to have an explanation on the substance or on the sequence. The objective was to say, today in our country there is a social movement going on. of historic magnitudehe explained.

“We have no answer. We were dismissed. So there is a form of misunderstanding. I think the President of the Republic does not understand what is happening now. president come out of his deafness”, he asserted. The government has indicated that it wants to use the “blocked vote” in the Senate on the entire pension reform bill to speed up the procedure. The opposition cries out for the denial of democracy. “We are damaging social democracy as we are in the process of damaging parliamentary democracy”he reacted.

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