the president is betting on sobriety and the promise of renewal



Article written by

V. Lerouge, V. Astruc, M. Barrois, Y. Kadouch – franceinfo

France Televisions

Emmanuel Macron’s investiture ceremony, Saturday, May 7, turned out to be more sober than the previous one. The Head of State assured that he was “a new president“.

For his second investiture ceremony, Saturday May 7, Emmanuel Macron played sobriety. The Head of State, surrounded by his family, was welcomed by the President of the Constitutional Council, Laurent Fabius. The President of the Republic then received the gold necklace of the Legion of Honor. In his speech, Emmanuel Macron did not mention continuity, but renewal. “This new people, different from five years ago, has entrusted a new president with a new mandate“, he asserted.

Nicolas Sarkozy, François Hollande, members of the government and Édouard Philippe were present for this ceremony. François Hollande notes that Emmanuel Macron will be less vertical for his second term. “What he admitted was that yesterday’s methods (…) cannot be replicated for tomorrow’s period.“, he assured. This investiture ceremony revived the tradition with the review of the military troops.

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