The Head of State was interviewed from the Elysée, in “C à vous” on France 5 on Wednesday evening, the day after the chaotic adoption of the controversial text by the Senate and the National Assembly.
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“I don’t want to congratulate Mr Macron but he is almost astonishing in the exercise of self-satisfaction which overshadowed this entire interview”declared this Wednesday on franceinfo the deputy La France insoumise Alexis Corbière, after the interview with Emmanuel Macron on France 5 in which the president returned to the vote on the immigration law.
“That’s not true.” that the text includes “provisions which are of a National Rally nature”retorted Emmanuel Macron on television, ensuring that he even constituted “a failure” for the far-right party. To prevent the National Rally from coming to power, he “you have to deal with the problems that are feeding it” And “show that there is a response in the republican field consistent with our values”he added.
Alexis Corbière denounced “this arrogant way of considering that he would not be responsible for any of the current problems”. He also said to himself “stunned” by the president’s criticism of certain parts of the law and his referral to the Constitutional Council.
“Normally, it is one of the missions of the President of the Republic to ensure the constitutionality of laws. He explains that we must vote for this law while saying that the Constitutional Council will surely come back on it.”
Alexis Corbière, LFI deputyat franceinfo
“We understood it this evening: he thinks he is going to fight against the extreme right by adopting his ideas. He is wrong”he added, referring to a “communication bumble that we witnessed this evening”.