Video length: 2 min.
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Emmanuel Macron, who spoke during a speech on Monday April 17, wants to turn the page on pensions and relaunch his five-year term. His speech was strongly criticized by the unions.
A speech to get out of the crisis was Emmanuel Macron’s ambition. He spoke on Monday April 17 for 13 minutes against the French. His opponents criticized his intervention. “We will continue to fight with the employees, with the pensioners, with the youth against this reform“, declared Tuesday morning on the set of 4 Truths Fabien Roussel, deputy of the North and national secretary of the French Communist Party.
Unions still mobilized
The Head of State keeps the same team, with Elisabeth Borne at Matignon. Emmanuel Macron wishes to open three major projects, and in priority that of work. Trade unionsthey do not intend to come back around the table and are preparing new actions.
“We wrote to him two months ago to ask him to see us, to try to find a way out, but he didn’t take it. So for the moment, we are mobilizing for May 1st, and we will continue the mobilization“, commented Frédéric Souillot, the general secretary of Force Ouvrière. The president has given himself 100 days to try to relaunch his five-year term.