Emmanuel Macron specified that we should continue to protect people affected by long-term illnesses, with the ceiling of “50 euros per year”.
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“Frankly, it doesn’t shock me.” The President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron, defended a doubling of medical franchises during his press conference at the Elysée on Tuesday January 16. “To say that we are going to go from 0.50 to one euro” per box of medicines, “I don’t have the feeling that we [fasse] a terrible crime”, declared the head of state. “I think it creates responsibility and is a good measure. (…) We need to take responsibility for consumption.”
>> Press conference by Emmanuel Macron: follow the exchanges between the president and the journalists in our live
Emmanuel Macron specified that it would be necessary to keep “an element of justice” by reducing the burden of this measure for people affected by long-term conditions. He envisages that they benefit from a ceiling of “50 euros per year”. “Medicine, care, medications, it doesn’t cost anything. We already take care of a lot, almost everything,” insisted the President of the Republic.
Press conference by E. Macron: his response on medical franchises
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The possible increase in medical deductibles and flat-rate contributions, already considered by the executive without yet being formally announced, sparked strong criticism from the opposition during the debates on the Social Security budget for 2024.