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Emmanuel Macron left the Lantern, in Versailles, to return to the Elysée and to reflect in particular on the composition of his new government. The journalist Anne Bourse, present on the spot, provides details.
Emmanuel Macron is back at the Élysée on Tuesday April 26, in particular to reflect on the composition of his next government. “The casting will give indications on the orientations of the new five-year term”, indicates the journalist Anne Bourse, present on the spot. She specifies that “the robot portrait of the future Prime Minister was drawn up by relatives of Emmanuel Macron”.
Some plead “rather for a woman, close to the territories, who will be in charge of ecology”, continues the journalist. Finally, the government team that will lead the legislative battle “should be tightened” around ten ministers, who “will have to embody the worksites [du] second five-year term”, namely pensions, education, health and the environment. The team will be modified according to the result of the legislative elections.