the presenter of the JT de France 2 victim of a stalker, also convicted of murder

There is “Face à Baba”, and there is “Elysée 2022”. Political broadcasts, a few weeks before the presidential election, are more and more numerous. These are used to better understand the programs of the different candidates and to know what they want to put in place once at the Elysée. Cyril Hanouna wished, for the first time in his career, to receive candidates to debate. After Eric Zemmour, it was the candidate of La France Insoumise, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, who went to the set of C8. But this Thursday, February 10, the latter will go to the France 2 set to debate with journalists from France Télévisions and in particular Anne-Sophie Lapix.

The journalist has come a long way since her television debut. But if there is a period that she would have liked to forget, it was undoubtedly that of the summer of 2002. That year, she received many threatening e-mails from Jean-Loup Hahn . This one goes even further by sending an envelope containing white powder making believe that it is anthrax as our colleagues from Gala point out. During his hearing after being sentenced to six months in prison in the fall of 2005, the stalker defended himself by explaining that it was a hoax for him, “a role that I gave myself, to fill the time”. What Anne-Sophie Lapix did not know was that Jean-Loup Hahn was involved in another equally dark affair.

Very much in love with a certain Julia, the young man committed irreparable harm at the same time after having followed and harassed her for nearly two years by sending her emails to detail the outfits she wore every day, in order to prove to her that he was watching her all the time. It is armed with a rifle that “the student of the IUT of Orleans murdered the young woman in the middle of the classroom, June 22, 2005”as our colleagues tell us.“At first I was in love, but frustration took over”he defended himself again after being sentenced to life in 2007…

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