the presence of the Chinese vice-president is experienced as “a provocation” by a Hong Kong refugee in the United Kingdom

Nathan Law, one of the leaders of the “umbrella revolution” in Hong Kong in 2014 denounces on franceinfo the presence for the coronation of Charles III of Chinese Vice-President Han Zheng, a leader implicated for having severely repressed Hong’s protests Kong.

More than 2,000 guests will enter Westminster Abbey on Saturday May 6 for the coronation of Charles III and Camilla. The presence of Chinese Vice-President Han Zheng, who ruled Hong Kong with an iron fist, preventing any form of protest in the former British protectorate, is judged “disappointing” by Nathan Law. The former student, one of more than 100,000 refugees who have come from Hong Kong to live in the UK today, was at the head of the ‘umbrella revolution’ in 2014 and faces prison if he returns to China . He estimates that“Han Zheng represents a form of terror”. Today, Nathan Law is one of the voices denouncing what is happening in Hong Kong.

franceinfo: When Han Zheng was announced, what was your reaction?

Nathan Law: It’s sad ! When Han Zheng was in charge of Hong Kong affairs, he repeatedly appeared on television to denounce all protesters. He was responsible for the repression and the loss of our freedoms. We are well aware that all Heads of State are invited for this coronation. But the UK says it is ready to issue visas to thousands of Hong Kongers as they say it is a humanitarian route. London therefore recognizes the violation of the joint Sino-British declaration and the duty of the Chinese government.

“Inviting Han Zheng is really a bad choice because Hong Kongers will feel like you are inviting someone who is responsible for all these atrocities.”

Nathan Law, former leader of the “umbrella revolution”

at franceinfo

As a former protest leader in Hong Kong, what does Han Zheng represent to you?

The deterioration of freedom. The fear of being persecuted. I really feel terrible knowing he’s coming here. Very disappointed. He is the one who appeared on television to threaten, to eradicate demonstrations, to persecute. It represents a form of terror. I just want to say: you shouldn’t welcome someone like that.

The invitation to the coronation was addressed to Xi Jin Ping, the Chinese president, so it was Beijing who decided to send Han Zheng in his place. Do you think this is a deliberate provocation by China?

He is now vice-president so obviously, he must assume certain diplomatic functions, make representation. But yes of course, it is also a provocation in the direction of all Hong Kong refugees in the United Kingdom. We are tens of thousands here. The message is clear: ‘We are sending someone who is directly responsible for the loss of your freedoms and the persecution of the people of Hong Kong’. It’s a way to show the muscles.

Do you think London should have refused his visit? Ask Beijing to send another representative?

Of course. I hope they at least raise their concerns, but given the position of the current UK Government, that is unlikely.

“We have more and more signs that show us the indulgence of the authorities vis-à-vis China. So that is another of our concerns.”

Nathan Law, former leader of the “umbrella revolution”

at franceinfo

British Foreign Secretary James Cleverly said he would take advantage of Han Zheng’s presence for a face-to-face discussion.

It’s logic. It is normal to meet the highest officials of the country. But don’t roll out the red carpet. You have to make demands heard, speak with a loud voice. We must try to hold him to account for the human rights atrocities committed. If you encounter it simply because it is there without asking for changes then there is a problem.

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