the premises of the communist party vandalized after the 1st round

In Lille, the headquarters of the local communist was vandalized on Sunday evening. The damage took place around 9:30 p.m. on Sunday, according to AFP. Half a dozen communist activists were gathered at the headquarters of the federation according to federal secretary Karine Trottein, confirming information from France 3.

they damaged the front door

Shortly after the announcement of the results (of the first round of the presidential election, editor’s note), _a group of rather young people, tried to break into_then they damaged the front door“, clarified Karine Trottein.

These militants insulted the Communists. They their accuse of having presented a presidential candidate against Jean-Luc Mélenchon.

threatening messages

The northern federation, the largest of the Communist Party with 2,400 members, said it had also received messages of threats and insults. “I have rarely experienced such a deleterious atmosphere in the ballot“, Karine Trottein told AFP.

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