Her baby also did not survive, according to information from the Associated Press.
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The image had gone around the world, symbolizing the violence of the war in Ukraine. The young pregnant woman evacuated on a stretcher after the bombing of a maternity hospital in Mariupol, March 9is dead, reports the agency Associated Press Monday March 14. Her baby, born by caesarean section, did not survive either, as explained by the surgeon who took care of them after the attack.

“More than 30 minutes of resuscitation gave no results for the mother and the child”, said Dr. Timur Marin. This pregnant woman had been rushed to another hospital, even closer to the front line, where doctors tried everything to keep her alive. In vain.
The head of diplomacy of the European Union, Josep Borrell, then the president of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, denounced “a heinous war crime” the day after this bombardment. For his part, M.oscou claimed that the maternity ward served as a base for a nationalist battalion, with the Russian power assuring that the photos and images of the victims were false.
AP journalists have however filmed and photographed several pregnant mothers, stained with blood, fleeing the destroyed maternity hospital. They then found the victims on Friday and Saturday in the hospital where they had been transferred, in the suburbs of Mariupol.
Ihe town hall of this city besieged by Russian forces estimates the number of victims at qsome 2,187 inhabitants. Russia did not communicate no review on this.