the prefecture is stepping up its measures to combat the drought

The crisis stage has now been declared in the Estéron catchment area. This concerns the following municipalities: Aiglun, Amirat, Ascros, Bézaudun-les-Alpes, Bouyon, Brianconnet, Collongues, Conségudes, Coursegoules, Cuébris, Gars, Gilette, la Penne, le Mas, les Ferres, les Mujouls, Pierrefeu, Revest- les-Roches, Roquesteron, la Roque-en-Provence, Saint Antonin, Saint-Auban, Sallagriffon, Sigale, Toudon, Tourette-du-Château.

In these municipalities, it is now forbidden to water night and day and industries must reduce their water consumption by 60%.

The full press release, published this Saturday, June 18 : “The department “is facing an exceptional drought situation this year. The balance sheet for the recharging season (from September 2021 to March 2022) in the department is very in deficit over the entire territory. The deficit of 40% to 60% compared to normal (cumulative 240 to 470 mm compared to a normal of 585 mm) is the second lowest since 1959. As a result, the observation of drought indicators (measurement of river flows , soil humidity index, observation of dryness, groundwater level) led the prefect to trigger the drought vigilance stage from March 9, 2022 throughout the department.
Given the fact that the rainfall subsequently remained lacking, and the flow rates of the rivers abnormally low, the alert stage was triggered from March 31, 2022 and renewed on April 29, 2022 in the watersheds of La Brague, Var upstream, Var downstream, Paillon, Roya, Bévéra and coastal areas of Menton. In view of the numerous tensions reported on local resources, the prefect decided on May 23 to extend the drought alert stage to the whole of the department, with the exception of the Siagne downstream which benefits, at this stadium, from a secure reserve.
The latest river flow measurements show that the flow of the Estéron has now fallen below the crisis threshold, and has been for more than 7 consecutive days. Consequently, in accordance with the drought action plan, after dematerialized consultation of the water resources committee, and in view of the weather forecasts for the coming weeks (hot and dry weather) which do not allow this trend to be reversed, the prefect has decided to trigger the crisis stage in the Estéron watershed, which concerns the following municipalities: Aiglun, Amirat, Ascros, Bézaudun-les-Alpes, Bouyon, Brianconnet, Collongues, Conségudes, Coursegoules, Cuébris, Gars, Gilette, la Penne, le Mas, les Ferres, les Mujouls, Pierrefeu, Revest-les-Roches, Roquesteron, la Roque-en-Provence, Saint Antonin, Saint-Auban, Sallagriffon, Sigale, Toudon, Tourette-du-Château. At the crisis stage, use restriction measures are reinforced (prohibition of day and night watering, 60% reduction in industrial consumption in particular).

The next water resource committee will be held on June 23, 2022, it will take stock of the situation and, if necessary, propose to the prefect to toughen or extend the restriction measures.
It is recalled that the State services now carry out regular checks, which are not only for educational purposes but may give rise to reports of administrative breaches as well as minutes. Beyond the administrative consequences, anyone violating the restriction or prohibition measures is liable to a fifth class fine (1500 euros fine for any violation found).
Given the tense situations in several catchment areas of the department, the prefecture calls for the greatest vigilance throughout the department and recalls that appropriate actions and responsible behavior can save water. As the Ministry of Ecological Transition reminds us, 25% of water consumption in France is in the domestic sphere. In times of drought, whether or not we are subject to restrictive measures, each of us must, more than ever, control our daily water consumption with simple gestures: favor showers, install sanitary equipment water-efficient, run washing machines at full capacity, reuse rainwater…”

source site-38