The concert was originally to be held on Saturday near Nantes. Several associations alerted to the arrival of this controversial artist.
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The tour of Vintage K will not pass through Nantes. In a decree, the prefecture of Loire-Atlantique has decided to ban the holding of the concert of the far-right rapper, initially scheduled for Saturday May 13 near Nantes. “This decision is based on the security risks, the number of spectators being undetermined, and taking into account the possible disturbances to public order, reinforced by the calls to prevent this concert expressed in recent days”can we read in the press release, specifying that the decree concerns 11 municipalities located east of Nantes.
Many associations had warned about the holding of this concert. On Twitter, the cultural assistant to the City of Nantes, Aymeric Seassau, had also denounced this visit: Millésime K “is not welcome. Here we defend freedom of expression and we fight the extreme right in all its forms. The calls to hatred that punctuate his “concerts” have no place in our city.”
With more than 700,000 subscribers on TikTok, Millésime K. is particularly known for his songs tricolor Or Jeanne D’Arc defendant “the French” and asking those who do not like France to “release”. His tour, which is called Patriot, and copies the official photos of the Elysée. We see the rapper in the position of president.
Cancellations also in Lille, Grenoble, Montpellier, Dijon..
A similar scenario has unfolded in recent weeks in other cities. Thus, in Clermont-Ferrand, the mayor Olivier Bianchi had demanded at the end of March the banning of the concert planned in his city, and the prefecture of Puy-de-Dôme had announced that the concert was “canceled”. Also in Grenoble, the Millésime K. concert scheduled for March 10 had been canceled following the mobilization of several unions and anti-fascist organizations. The Grenoble concert was to take place in a place presenting itself on its website as a “wellness and health center” offering spaces for rent.
One of the center’s managers explained to AFP that she had been deceived by the “completely dishonest” approach of the rapper, who would have presented himself “as being a corporate events company”. “The territorial services told me that it was a method of renting rooms”said the manager, who wished to remain anonymous.