the prefect responsible for managing the Marianne fund resigns

According to a report, the senior official was guilty of “privileged treatment” to one of the associations benefiting from the fund created to fight against separatism.

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Christian Gravel in Paris, February 1, 2023. (EMMANUEL DUNAND / AFP)

New twist in the controversy around the Marianne fund. Christian Gravel, the prefect responsible for the Interministerial Committee for the Prevention of Delinquency and Radicalization (CIPDR), which manages this fund created after the assassination of Samuel Paty to fight against separatism, said “wanted to submit his resignation, which was accepted”said the Ministry of the Interior, Tuesday, June 6, in a press release.

>> We explain the controversy over the Marianne fund, the use of which raises questions

This decision follows the publication of a report by the General Inspectorate of Administration (IGA) concerning the subsidy paid to one of the associations benefiting from the fund, the Union of Physical Education and Preparation for Military Service Societies (USEPPM). The summary of this report, sent by Place Beauvau to AFP, denounces “privileged treatment” reserved by Christian Gravel for this association.

Initially endowed with 2.5 million euros, the Marianne fund launched on April 20, 2021 by Marlène Schiappa after the shock caused by the assassination of Professor Samuel Paty, aimed to finance associations carrying speeches promoting the values ​​​​of the Republic. to bring, especially on social networks, the contradiction to radical Islam. But several journalistic investigations had revealed disturbing elements concerning the use made of this money.

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