the prefect of police wants to move consumers to an SNCF site in the 12th arrondissement, the town hall “opposes”

The SNCF has given its agreement to make land available to the State to accommodate crack users who have been gathered since September in the 19th arrondissement of the capital.

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The town hall of Paris, contacted Tuesday January 25 by franceinfo, “refusal with the greatest firmness” the movement of crack consumers from the Porte de la Villette to the 12th arrondissement of the capital. These people have been gathered since September on the border between the 19th arrondissement and Seine-Saint-Denis. According to a press release from the Paris police headquarters, the SNCF has just given its agreement to make land available to the State, located “at the intersection of two railway lines and Poniatowski Boulevard”for y “to orient”, “after carrying out work to install a secure fence”.

Emmanuel Grégoire, first deputy mayor of Paris, says to himself “stunned” and denounces “a solitary decision without consultation”. The town hall “requests an emergency meeting of the crack plan with the prefect of police, the regional prefect and the regional health agency”. According to Emmanuel Grégoire, this initiative of the police headquarters “consists of moving the scenes of use without any permanent solution. Professionals in the use of crack tell us that this site has no chance of working.” The city demands “sustainable care in hospital structures” and on the map “health and social” crack users in Paris.

“It is necessary to consider moving crack users to another place in Paris which, this time, is not on the public highway or a square”explains for its part the Paris police headquarters, while tensions with residents have increased for five months at Porte de la Villette.

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